Croeso i Antioch
Ar Fore Sul, mae panad ar gael o 10yb, ac mae'r gwasanaeth yn cychwyn am 10:30yb. Rydych chi'n rhydd i fynd â'ch panad i ble bynnag rydych chi'n dewis eistedd - rydyn ni eisiau i chi deimlo'n gartrefol!
Bydd y gwasanaeth yn para tan tua 12:30pm ac mae'r strwythur yn anffurfiol a chyfeillgar. Fel arfer byddwn yn dechrau gydag amser o addoli trwy canu sy’n gymysgedd o emynau a chaneuon mwy cyfoes, ac mae croeso i chi ymuno cymaint ag y dymunwch. Rydym yn deall nad yw pawb yn ymuno yn yr un ffordd, felly os ydych chi'n dewis canu neu wrando, eistedd neu sefyll, mae hynny'n iawn.
Fel arfer mae un o'n tîm addysgu yn cymryd yr amser addysgu. Gellir gweld gwasanaethau blaenorol ar ein sianel YouTube, a gallwch edrych yn ôl ar yr hyn rydym wedi bod yn dysgu amdano ar ein tudalen Dysgu.
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Children and Young People
Mae croeso i blant o bob oed! Mae plant oed ysgol yn cael amser addysgu ar wahân yn ystod y gwasanaeth. Mae plant oed ysgol gynradd yn cael sesiynau bob wythnos, tra bod plant ysgol uwchradd yn cael sesiynau bob yn ail wythnos.
Children of all ages are welcome! Children of school age have a separate time of teaching during the service. Primary school aged children have sessions each week, while secondary school children have sessions every other week.
Lle ydyn ni? Where are we?
Mae genym ni ddau adeilad - Capel Salem, lle mae gwasanaethau Sul yn digwydd, ac @20 Station Road yng nganol Bae Colwyn, lle mae digwyddiadau ganol wythnos yn digwydd. Am fwy o wybodaeth am rhain, cliciwch yma.
We have two buildings - Capel Salem, where the Sunday services take place and @20 Station Road where the midweek events take place. For more information about these click here.
Welcome to Antioch
On a Sunday Morning, refreshments are served from 10am, and the service gets underway at 10:30am. You are free to take your refreshments to wherever you choose to sit – we want you to feel at home!
The service will last until around 12:30pm and the structure is informal and friendly. We usually start with a time of sung worship which is a mix of hymns and more contemporary songs, and you are welcome to join in as much as you like. We understand that not everyone joins in the same way, so whether you choose to sing or to listen, to sit or to stand, that is fine.
The time of teaching is usually taken by one of our teaching team. Previous services can be seen on our YouTube channel, and you can look back at what we've been learning about on our Learning page.
Hygyrchedd Accessibility
Rydym yn ceisio bod yn hygyrch i bawb. Os oes angen mynediad gwastad neu gymorth arnoch, mae mynediad gwastad i'r llawr gwaelod i gyd, gan gynnwys toiled hygyrch. Siaradwch â'r Tîm Croeso wrth y drws pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd am ragor o wybodaeth.
Mae gennym hefyd ddolen sain: i gael mynediad at hwn, trowch eich cymhorthion clyw i T.
We try to be accessible to everyone. If you need level access or assistance, there is level access to all of the ground floor, including an accessible toilet. Please speak to the Welcome Team on the door when you arrive for more information.
We also have a hearing loop: to access this please switch your hearing aids to T.
Mae gan blant iau neu fabanod fynediad at deganau a lle i chwarae yn ein cegin, ac mae croeso i chi ddefnyddio’r gofod hwn unrhyw bryd yn ystod y gwasanaeth. Os oes angen i chi fwydo'ch babi yn ystod y gwasanaeth, mae croeso i chi ddefnyddio'r gegin - gwnewch eich hun yn gartrefol! Gallwch hefyd glywed y gwasanaeth trwy'r system sain cysylltiedig yn yr ystafell hon. Mae gan ein toiled hygyrch gyfleusterau newid, gan gynnwys cewynnau sbâr ar gyfer y 'dyddiau hynny'.
Younger children or babies have access to toys and a space to play in our kitchen area, and you are welcome to use this space at anytime during the service. If you need to feed your baby during the service, you are free to use the kitchen space - make yourself at home! You can also hear the service through the linked speakers in this room. Our accessible toilet has baby changing facilities, including spare nappies for 'those days'.