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Mae rhoi yn rhan allweddol o’n haddoliad i Dduw, ac mae gennym ni’r cyfle i roi a chefnogi gwaith Duw yn Antioch. Gall hyn fod at ddiben penodol  (fel prosiect neu genhadaeth dramor) neu i gefnogi yr eglwys gyffredinol, er enghraifft i dalu am gyflogau, cynnal a chadw adeiladau ac offer, a biliau neu gostau gweinyddol.

Does dim rhaid i neb roi dim, a does dim plât offrwm yn cael ei anfon o gwmpas ar fore Sul. Mae blwch rhoddion yn y cefn y gall pobl ei ddefnyddio os dymunant, ond nid oes pwysau i’w roi.

Os byddwch yn dewis rhoi yn ariannol, gall fod trwy nifer o ffyrdd:


  • archeb sefydlog

  • bancio ar-lein

  • arian parod neu siec yn y blychau rhoddion


Ein manylion banc:


  • CAF Bank-Antioch (North Wales)

  • Cod Didoli : 40-52-40

  • Rhif y Cyfrif: 00024639


Dylid gwneud sieciau yn daladwy i Antioch (North Wales)

Mae Gift Aid ar gael. Gallwch gael datganiad Gift Aid gan aelod o’r tîm cyllid, felly os ydych yn gweithio, ac yn talu treth, cofiwch fod hwn ar gael!

Mae pob rhodd yn gyfrinachol, ac nid oes gan yr un o’r eglwys, gan gynnwys yr Henuriaid, fynediad at unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol. Dim ond ein Trysorydd, Jenny Holland, sydd â mynediad i gyfrifon banc yr eglwys.

Mae diweddariadau rheolaidd o'r ffordd yr ymdrinnir ag arian yn Antioch yn cael ei rannu pan fydd gennym gyfarfodydd mawr a elwir yn "Big Tribe"; os hoffech wybod mwy, ewch i weld un o'n tîm cyllid.


Giving is a key part of our worship to God, and we have the opportunity to give and support the work of God in  Antioch. This can be for a specific purpose  (like a project or overseas mission) or to support  the general church, for example to cover salaries, building and equipment maintenance, and utilities or administrative costs. 

No-one is compelled to give anything, in fact we don't have an offering plate sent around on Sunday mornings. There is an offering box at the back that people can use if they wish, but there is no pressure to give.

If you do choose to give financially, it can be through a number of ways :


  • standing order

  • online banking

  • cash or cheque in the offering boxes 


Our bank details:


  • CAF Bank-Antioch (North Wales)

  • Sort Code : 40-52-40

  • Acc Number: 00024639



Cheques should be made payable to Antioch  (North Wales)

Gift Aid is available. You can get a gift aid declaration from a member of the finance team, so if you work, and pay tax, please remember this is available!

All giving is confidential, and none of the church, including the Elders, have access to any personal information. Only our Treasurer, Jenny Holland, has access to the church bank accounts. 

Regular updates of the way money is handled in Antioch is shared when we have large church meetings which we call "Big Tribe"; if you want to know more, see one of our finance team (Jenny Holland or Sue Bond).

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